Thursday 13 August 2009

Though shalt nor fear hell

Take this as the 11th commandement, Though shalt not fear hell.

God's actions are all motivated by love. The only reason why God created hell is because God is love, i.e. God loves so much thouse souls in hell and through His infinite Goodness and Wisdom God knows best that for some souls, Hell is better than heaven.

People whose good acts are purely motivated by fear of hell have very shallow faith. Their motivation is fear not love.

A true Christian is willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause. He is willing to live in hell for eternity so that those who are in hell can be admitted to heaven. (But eventually he would soon realise that hell is actually better than heaven for these people.)

God is Love and for this reason he created hell to cater for the needs of those who are goint to hell.

Heaven is for the spiritually mature and anyone who did not reach such level of maturity will never be happy in hell.

If for some reasons you ended up in hell, there's nothing to worry, you are there because relative to your circumstnces hell is better than heaven.

Do good things because of love not because you fear hell.

(check out my alter christian blog)

Wednesday 12 August 2009

Christian Blog For Everyone

I created a blog called Christian Blog For Everyone. Originally I intend to write something about Chrisitian doctrines and philosophies in relation to our simple day to day living.

Everything was fine until I learned how to earn some money from this christian blog. Well earning something is good but the down side of this is that my Christian Blog for Everyone has lost its focus. It does not only write about my thought and reflections but it became a blog about anything.

Thus to keep me on my desired route again, I created My Simple Christian Blog. This time it will only contain postings with Christian themes.

Did Jesus forgot to give thanks?

I always believe that the Lord's Prayer is the best prayer of all because it was taught by Jesus himself.

On the other hand an ideal prayer should contain the following major elements, i.e. the ACTS. Adoration, Contrition, Thanks giving ans Suplication.

Now, try to analyze the Lord's Prayer. Adoration (Hollowed by they name), contrition (forgive us our sins) and supplication (give us this day our daily bread) are all in the Lord's Prayer but can you see in anywhere in it which Jesus gave thanks to the Father.

Did Jesus forget about it.

Hope to hear your thoughts.

God Bless.